We’re building the most helpful society on earth,  and beyond…

We’re professionals from the biggest companies and startups in the world, we worked for the man, found his bugs, cleaned his dirty code, and played his flowed games.

Now, it’s time for redemption. We want to help the next generation to build the right things. lucky for them, the technology is finally catching up, giving the power back to our communities like never before.

Our goal is simple, to build a place where you can get the most important thing in business and life: an honest, realistic advice. Not the kind you find in books and magazines, but the one you find hiding between these words and can’t be spoken outloaud.

In this community, we barter advice and guidance, our currency is SOLID 💩 the more solids you’ll do for the community, the more solids you’ll earn. 


From now on, if you see one of these ExVillain NFT avatars on any social profile, it means you can approach them for an advice (with the right amount of solids 💩 of course).

If you’re still a villain, this is your opportunity to come clean,  Join our society and start doing your community some real solids 💩

The world doesn’t need another fake Superhero in a tight suit!
It needs ExVillians. 

The first 1000 ExVillains will get extra voting powers and benefits 💩

An initiative by Crazies.co

Join the Exvillains society

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